Subcontractor Mediation - find the perfect subcontractor

Are you looking for a reliable subcontractor? Then you are right with us. We provide subcontractors from Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania who will meet your requirements. Subcontracting is the ideal solution for entrepreneurs who need subcontractors for their projects. We take over the search, mediation and coordination of subcontractors from Poland and Eastern Europe. So you can fully concentrate on your business. With our many years of experience and our extensive network, we will always find the right subcontractor for your project.

Find subcontractors with us as a partner

Our company Zeitarbeit International was founded more than 20 years ago and has since made a name for itself as one of the leading companies in the placement of subcontractors, subcontractors, temporary workers as well as Recruitment made. Our team aims to provide our customers with reliable, high quality and professional solutions that support their business. As experts in the field of recruitment, we ensure that our customers find the staff they are looking for. We plan thoroughly and offer various options for our customers. In addition, we focus on compliance with legal guidelines and careful risk management in the workplace.

When arranging subcontractors or subcontractors, we attach great importance to quality and reliability. Advising customers includes both the planning and the implementation of projects. When supporting projects, the focus is on the customer.

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Advantages of subcontracting mediation

Subcontracting offers numerous advantages. It's easy to build a network of qualified subcontractors to get fast and efficient service. By hiring subcontractors you can protect your investment while delivering quality work for your business.

1. Large labor pool

One of the biggest advantages of subcontracting is that you have a wide range of professionals to choose from. You can search for specific skills and experience to ensure your requirements are met. It doesn't matter if you have one Qelders, Locksmith, fitter or mechanic - with the placement of subcontractors you will find exactly the right expert for your company.

2. No long-term commitment

Another advantage of subcontracting is that you don't have to make a long-term commitment or investment in an employee. Instead, you can flexibly customize your projects and request different subcontractors depending on your needs. This makes it easy for you to save on costs while ensuring that all your projects are handled as efficiently as possible.

3. Flexibility

The flexibility is also a big advantage of subcontractor mediation: you can find new subcontractors at any time and thus react quickly to changing requirements. In addition, you can react immediately to new market trends and thus adapt your company - without long waiting times or high costs for new hires.

In order to take advantage of all these advantages, it is important to work with an experienced subcontractor intermediary. In this way, the quality of the work can be guaranteed and all requirements can be met. We help you to achieve your goals efficiently and cost-effectively. 


We arrange subcontractors for industry and production

Solar technology

Photovoltaic specialist companies, solar technicians, photovoltaic electricians, fitters, installers


Production assistants in the automotive industry, production workers, quality inspectors, car mechanics

With us as a personnel service provider for temporary work and subcontractors in Eastern Europe

Employee leasing and subcontractors out of Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Latvia and Eastern Europe are an alternative to support your business. When it comes to the subject staff from Eastern Europe, you can benefit from our experience and motivated and experienced craftsmen such as temporary workers and subcontractors from Poland and all of Eastern Europe.

We are an experienced subcontractor agency that has a large network and puts the needs of our customers first. We are flexible and can react quickly under certain circumstances.

We at subcontractor mediation help you to find the ideal subcontractor for you. With our simple and intuitive placement process, you can quickly and easily find the right subcontractor for your project.

Save money and time

With subcontractors from Eastern Europe, companies can save money because they have low social security contributions. We take care of recruitment and personnel recruiting.

We offer complete processing

Contract design, salary payments and travel expenses as well as the accommodation of the subcontractors from Eastern Europe will be taken over by us!

Large pool of skilled workers

We have a large pool of subcontractors from Eastern Europe: welders, locksmiths, electricians, fitters, production helpers who can be deployed flexibly at short notice.

Request subcontractors without obligation:

Request your personal offer here. You will receive our offer within 24 hours on working days or 48 hours on weekends and public holidays.

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