10 Jul 2024

Trends in IT recruitment consulting in the IT industry and how to attract the best IT specialists

The German tech scene is a showcase for innovation in the tech industry. IT industry. Germany is facing a formidable enemy: a nationally far-reaching Talent shortage. By the year 2030, the demand for IT specialists and the future of the IT industry look very different. In several countries, including Germany, there could be a staggering shortage of 1 million skilled workers.

Challenges in IT personnel consulting and the IT labour market

Several factors contribute to this challenging problem. Here are a few points:

  1. Limited pipeline: Despite the strong education in Germany, graduates from universities of applied sciences and universities do not always fulfil the specific requirements of the industry. The gap between theory and practical application is widening.
  2. Rapid technical development: Changes in the IT industry are progressing rapidly and conventional qualifications are being pushed into the background. Artificial intelligence, cyber security and blockchain are whizzing past us, while the pool of qualified applicants cannot keep up.
  3. Global competition: Germany is not alone in its search for talent in the IT labour market. Many countries are tempting candidates with high salaries and career opportunities, which is further thwarting the already limited talent pool.

Involving Generation Z talent in the IT industry

A challenge in the IT personnel consulting is that it is becoming increasingly difficult, IT professionals to find. The reason for this is the strong competition due to the shortage of IT specialists. As a result, new IT recruiting trends into the IT personnel consulting slipped in. Gen Z is the most important generation, as they are now the youngest generation to enter the IT labour market. However, with so many opportunities, they are hard to convince to enter the IT career to enter the market.

Therefore, the IT personnel consulting become innovative. Here are some IT industry trends in 2024:

  • A strong employer brand: IT recruiters need to ensure that companies have a compelling employer brand that emphasises the company's values, mission and commitment to social responsibility. Everything needs to be transparent about the company culture and what makes the workplace unique.
  • Employee well-being: Nowadays, it is very important to prioritise the well-being of employees. More and more employees expect companies to support their well-being at every level. If this is not the case, they will quickly look elsewhere or not take the job in the first place.

By offering resources for mental health, flexible working arrangements and a supportive corporate culture, the IT personnel consulting Employees for companies. Generation Z appreciates employers who take care of their holistic well-being.

  • Mentors and further development: Mentors and development opportunities are another important point to ensure that employees of the Gen Z can grow and learn. Training programmes, career development initiatives and leadership opportunities must be provided.

Although these points are important for Gen Z, it is becoming increasingly apparent that employees from all generations appreciate the same values and no longer want to work under different conditions.

Statistics and facts in the IT sector in Germany

Over the past ten years, sales in the German IT industry has grown more and more. According to a Study by Statista it will amount to 113 billion euros in 2022. The forecast for 2023 is 120.2 billion euros. These rising sales emphasise the important role of the IT industry emerged. One of the most popular technological developments was the introduction of the chatbot ChatGPT. 41 per cent of Gen Z in Germany stated that they actively use AI. This figure is likely to rise.


The future of IT personnel consulting in the IT sector is facing significant changes. These are driven by technological progress, the changing dynamics of the labour force and the changing nature of work itself.

Zeitarbeit International - Your friend in need

As already mentioned, it is extremely important to attract employees through new rather than old means. New values must be taken into account and potential employees want to be taken seriously, especially in the IT industry

To achieve this, we must IT recruitment consultants the IT trends for recruitment take into account. They need to ensure that the companies they serve feel a sense of urgency when it comes to employee wellbeing and satisfaction. This is the only way they can attract the best employees. 

Zeitarbeit International knows these values best and is here to help you. Contact us today to find out how we can support you.

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