Temporary workers and subcontractors from Bulgaria

Personnel for industry, trade, metal construction, production & automotive

Workers from Bulgaria as well as employees from Eastern Europe are very popular on the German labour market. Are you looking for highly qualified personnel from Bulgaria and other Eastern European countries? Zeitarbeit International is your reliable recruitment agency for workers from Bulgaria and Eastern Europe. We have a large network in Eastern Europe and support you in your search for suitable personnel from Bulgaria and Eastern Europe. Are you looking for Bulgarian craftsmen or personnel for industry? Production, logistics, Steel and metal construction or Automobile construction? We, Zeitarbeit International, we provide temporary workers and subcontractors from Bulgaria, Poland, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Slovakia and Ukraine. Our hard-working production workers, welders, locksmiths, plumbers, electricians from Bulgaria or Eastern Europe speak German and can be at the place of work within 7 days. 

Find employees from Bulgaria

As an experienced personnel service provider for Eastern Europe, we can help you identify the potential of Bulgarian workers and support you in your search for qualified German-speaking subcontractors and temporary workers from Bulgaria. Because we place temporary workers from Bulgaria and Eastern Europe for almost all industries: Industry, Automotive industrySteel and metal construction, Industrial assembly and plant construction, Production & Logistics.

Our partner agencies in Bulgaria help us to recruit and select suitable staff for you. As an Eastern European personnel service provider, we take care of the formalities and organise the arrival of Bulgarian workers on time for the start of work. We provide all necessary communication between the client and the employees from Bulgaria.

Hire workers from Bulgaria?

Within the framework of the free movement of workers as EU citizens, employees from Bulgaria can be employed in Germany or another EU country without any problems. The same formalities have to be observed as when employing Italian or Polish workers.

We are your reliable personnel service provider when it comes to the Temporary employment agency or Work contracts from Bulgaria or Eastern Europe. Are you looking for reliable staff from Bulgaria? Get in touch with us. We will be happy to help you!

Our Bulgarian Temporary Workers speak German. They are available quickly and can be deployed flexibly. We take care of the entire process: organisation, administration, work permits, authorisation, accommodation, catering, travel.

Workers from Bulgaria - we place workers from almost all industries

We place qualified skilled and unskilled workers, craftsmen, steel workers, production assistants, manufacturing employees from Bulgaria and Eastern Europe. But also Qelders, Locksmith, Electrician, construction worker from Bulgaria, Production workers, assembly line workers, packing assistants, warehouse assistants, shipping employees, bricklayers, painters, plasterers, workers from Bulgaria and Eastern Europe from the following industries:

Automotive industry

Automobile production, car maintenance, vehicle cleaning, assembly of parts and assemblies, packaging and warehousing, etc.

Industrial assembly

Structural steel construction, car park construction, plant construction, bridge construction, crane runway renovation, disassembly and reassembly of complete systems, maintenance and conversion, assembly

Metal construction & steel construction

Planning of steel constructions, static calculation, production, three-dimensional CAD construction, delivery, assembly

Production & Logistics

Production & Logistics

Welders and locksmiths

Aluminum welding, inert gas welding, plasma welding, arc welding, orbital welding

Electrical engineering

Lighting technology, industrial installations, automation technology, maintenance and repair of electrical systems

Advantages of employing workers from Bulgaria

The advantage of employing Bulgarian or Eastern European workers is that they can be employed as EU citizens. Moreover, employees from Bulgaria can be at the place of work within a short time. They also agree to work on a temporary basis. Often workers from Bulgaria have a good education as well as a very good knowledge of German because they have already worked in Germany. In addition, many Bulgarian employees have good qualifications for work on construction sites, in warehouses, logistics, production and transport. 

Currently we carry, Zeitarbeit International, together with our Eastern European partners, we have a network of over 500 potential specialists from Bulgaria, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia who are ready to work in Germany within a few days. 

As an experienced recruitment agency from Eastern Europe, we specialise in the placement of Bulgarian temporary workers and subcontractors. We also place staff from other EU countries, such as Romania, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, etc. Contact us, we will be happy to help you!

Employee leasing Bulgaria

Temporary employment is very popular in Germany because companies can use it to flexibly cover their workers' needs. Transnational temporary work is also becoming more and more important, with a company from abroad functioning as an employer.

Employee leasing Bulgaria has long since taken an important share of the German labour market. Above all, craftsmen, locksmiths, fitters, welders, mechanics, stable and metal workers, production assistants, warehouse assistants, forklift drivers are often placed via secondment and employed in German companies through contracts for work and services. As a recruitment agency, we act as an intermediary between the temporary worker in Bulgaria and the employer in Germany.

Temporary Work International as a personnel service provider

As an experienced Recruiter Eastern Europe have specialised in temporary employment and offer you, among other things, qualified skilled and unskilled workers from Bulgaria in the following sectors Electrical engineering, Welding technique, Locksmith work, heating and sanitation, mechanical engineering, Automotive industry, Industrial assembly, Metal and stable industry. Due to labour shortages in Germany, transnational employee leasing is becoming increasingly important. Germany has a shortage of skilled workers as well as production assistants and manufacturing employees. Qualified personnel such as craftsmen from Bulgaria and Eastern Europe are the solution. 

With over 20 years of experience in personnel management, we support you in your recruitment. We have good market knowledge and experience in finding the right skilled workers and craftsmen from Bulgaria and Eastern Europe for you. Temporary employment is perfect for this. You save money and time. Of course, you have to comply with the German minimum wage and collective agreement regulations. The foreign employer pays the social security contributions. 

Recruitment Eastern Europe

Our staffing services

We are an experienced recruitment agency for Eastern Europe. We place qualified skilled personnel as well as unskilled workers from Bulgaria, Poland, Czech RepublicSlovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Ukraine for industry, assembly, steel construction, plant construction, production logistics etc. 

This is how the recruitment process works:

presonalvemittlung craftsman