09 Mar 2023

Temporary workers from abroad: An opportunity for companies and employees!

Temporary workers from abroad: Should foreign temporary workers be used to bridge bottlenecks in the local labor market? A look behind the scenes of temporary work reveals the consequences: cost reduction, more productivity and also social justice. In this article you will find out why it is worth thinking about using temporary workers from abroad and how to approach this topic responsibly. What to expect: We will show you an innovative opportunity with a focus on human rights, equality and fair wages.


If you as a company are thinking about hiring temporary workers from abroad, it is important that you consider a few aspects. Like any other type of employee, temporary workers from abroad must be treated fairly and guaranteed the same rights. However, there are challenges that exist when employing temporary workers from abroad.

On the one hand, it is difficult to find suitable candidates and hire them on time. Since many temporary workers cannot be found through the Internet due to language barriers, cultural differences and lack of access to online application platforms, it is necessary to hire professional recruitment agencies. Also, companies must ensure that all legal requirements for hiring foreign employees are met to avoid legal problems.

Opportunities in employing foreign temporary workers

However, companies can also take advantage of various opportunities by employing temporary workers from abroad. Hiring foreign workers can help companies more efficiently meet their skilled labor needs and discover new areas of expertise in areas where there is a regional labor shortage. In addition, companies can hopefully learn a lot about other cultures and form intercultural teams.


It is also important that temporary workers from abroad receive fair working conditions and are paid appropriately. In the longer term, companies should consider giving foreign agency workers a chance to advance their careers and be hired into full-time positions, especially if these candidates prove to be a good fit for the team and add value to the company. 

Overall, hiring temporary workers from abroad poses both challenges and opportunities for companies. By taking the right measures and treating everyone involved fairly - whether employee or customer - companies can form profitable intercultural teams and create positive prospects for everyone.

Leiharbeiter aus Osteuropa

Temporary worker placement - what needs to be considered?

Temporary workers are an important factor in the globalized economy. They offer companies the opportunity to react flexibly to rising or falling demand and to adjust production. However, contract workers can also be used temporarily to perform specific tasks that are otherwise performed by regular employees.

We from Zeitarbeit International are specialized in the placement of temporary workers from abroad. However, the process of placing temporary workers from abroad requires some preparation and planning. Here are some important aspects to keep in mind:

Since over 25 years we are active as temporary worker mediators. We place personnel from almost all sectors: QeldersLocksmithelectrician, Production helper, fitters, solar experts as well as Medical professionals from Poland & Eastern Europe.

Are you looking for temporary workers from abroad? Contact us! We look forward to cooperation!

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