01 Mar 2024

Temporary work, outsourcing - Temporary workers from Eastern Europe

German companies are increasingly utilising the practice of "outsourcing with temporary workers from Eastern Europe". This is mainly due to the fact that the demand for skilled labour has increased and there is a shortage of skilled workers. Particularly in areas such as Industry, steel constructioncraftsmanship, Logistics and transport.

The strategy of the Outsourcing using temporary workers has numerous advantages for companies. On the other hand, it offers numerous opportunities for employees. In this article, we will take a closer look at what outsourcing with temporary workers is. And what advantages this strategy brings.

What is outsourcing with temporary workers?

When outsourcing with temporary workers, a company leaves its work processes to another company or individual for a certain period of time. This means that another company or individual from the party carries out their processes or part of them.

The purpose of outsourcing is to access specialised skills, reduce costs and increase efficiency. Instead of utilising internal resources, the company commissions a third party to take over part of the processes. The company concentrates on its core activities. Outsourcing can take place both domestically and internationally. Whether outsourcing is temporary or long-term depends on the nature of the services and the objectives of the activities.

Outsourcing from Eastern Europe for temporary work - advantages

Outsourcing with temporary workers from abroad gives companies access to skilled labour that is not available locally. At the same time, the costs for the company are reduced. This is because these are usually countries with lower standards, which is reflected in lower salaries. Especially when it comes to temporary work.

The setting of Temporary workers from abroad is an excellent solution for the volatility of the market. Outsourcing from abroad gives companies more flexibility. And also a constant adaptation to market fluctuations. In addition, it saves time and money in the search for new permanent employees. It is also a good way for the company to test the employee's performance before hiring them permanently.

Outsourcing with temporary workers also makes it possible to reduce the potential risks associated with permanent employment.

How to outsource successfully from abroad?

Analyse the needs of your company. Set clear goals and take all aspects into account. Draw up a list of the tasks required to achieve your goals. Determine which type of employee can best fulfil the tasks.

Be realistic about your budget and time frame. Set clear expectations for outsourcing from abroad. Do you need a tight time frame? Or leave yourself open to the possibility of another permanent position.

Create a clear plan that includes the tasks and responsibilities of both parties.

Choose a high-quality recruitment company. And formulate your requirements directly and clearly.

Do you need support with outsourcing temporary workers from Eastern Europe?

Are you looking for an experienced partner for outsourcing with labour from Eastern Europe? Get in touch with us and arrange a meeting to discuss your requirements. We find labour from Eastern Europe, Poland, the Czech Republic, the Slovakia or Romaniathat meet your requirements. We will send you an initial quotation within 7 days.

Once the offer has been approved and the right personnel selected, we take care of all the administration, contracting, travel and accommodation at the place of work. And we conclude a contract with you for the supply of temporary staff. 

Professionals from abroad