14 Jul 2022

Temporary work, temporary labour from other EU countries

Temporary work, temporary employment or labour leasing occurs when an employer commercially assigns its employees to an external company to provide a service.

The commercial supply of temporary workers is subject to authorisation in Germany. If the lenders from other EU countries or from Eastern Europe lend workers to the German market, they require a German licence in accordance with the Temporary Employment Act (AÜG). Workers from Eastern Europe who are hired out within the framework of Contracts for work and labour are not covered by the Temporary Employment Act. However, the distinction is difficult to make in individual cases.

Temporary workers from EU countries do not require an EU work permit and are subject to the same working conditions as comparable employees of the hirer.

"Temporary employment agency and temporary work supports you temporarily and helps
to help you with skills shortages and staff shortages. Become our partner and benefit from our experience and expertise."

Peter Gassenmaier - CEO Zeitarbeit International
Monitoring compliance with working conditions

Compliance with working conditions for temporary work from Eastern Europe or EU countries is strictly monitored by the tax office in order to prevent illegal employment. Employers or lenders from Eastern Europe, hirers, clients and employees are obliged to comply with the regulations. In addition, the state tax authorities check whether the tax obligations have been fulfilled.

Advantages of temporary work from EU countries

  • Flexibility in personnel planning
  • Low personnel costs with temporary workers from Eastern Europe
  • Access to a large pool of qualified labour from EU countries to suit your requirements
  • Personalised advice from an experienced personnel service provider
  • Motivate German-speaking workers from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Ukraine

We are your strong partner in the following areas subcontractors Mediation, Recruitment, Temporary employment agencytemporary labour from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and other EU countries. We offer you a complete cost package without subsequent surprises. We are also responsible for complete processing. We will find the right person to meet your individual requirements and ensure compliance with legal regulations, deadlines and agreements.

Find temporary workers from Eastern Europe quickly and easily

Find new temporary workers for your project - efficiently and quickly. Fill your open position faster with the support of a dedicated temporary employment agency. Find qualified skilled and unskilled workers on a temporary, permanent or project basis with Zeitarbeit International, Europe's leading personnel service provider specialising in recruitment.

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