Professionals from Slovenia

Personnel for industry, automotive, trade, production & logistics

Are you looking for qualified personnel from Slovenia, subcontractors or temporary workers from Eastern Europe? We, from temporary work international, bring German companies together with qualified professionals from Eastern Europe. Benefit from our experience and our large network of companies abroad. The first step to fast personnel placement is via our inquiry form. But also by phone +49 152 07942568 you can contact us with your request free of charge and without obligation. We will support you in your search for suitable skilled workers from Slovenia and Eastern Europe.

We place workers from Slovenia, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia for Industriemontagen, Production, logistics, Steel and metal construction but also Automobile construction, Electrical engineering, Welding technology. Depending on the form of contract, we arrange subcontractors and temporary workers, hard-working production assistants and manufacturing employees, welders, fitters, plumbers, electricians from Slovenia or Eastern Europe. Because as an experienced Personnel service providers from Eastern Europe we have specialised in the placement of qualified German-speaking subcontractors and temporary workers. Contact us and become our partner! 

Workers from Slovenia - we place workers from all industries

Are you looking for qualified skilled and unskilled workers? We place craftsmen, steelworkers, production assistants, manufacturing employees from Slovenia and Eastern Europe,  Qelders, Locksmith, Electrician, construction workers from Slovenia, production workers, assembly line workers, warehouse assistants, dispatch workers, workers from the following industries:

Automotive industry

Automobile production, car maintenance, vehicle cleaning, assembly of parts and assemblies, packaging and warehousing, etc.

Industrial assembly

Structural steel construction, car park construction, plant construction, bridge construction, crane runway renovation, disassembly and reassembly of complete systems, maintenance and conversion, assembly

Metal construction & steel construction

Planning of steel constructions, static calculation, production, three-dimensional CAD construction, delivery, assembly

Production & Logistics

Production & Logistics

Welders and locksmiths

Aluminum welding, inert gas welding, plasma welding, arc welding, orbital welding

Electrical engineering

Lighting technology, industrial installations, automation technology, maintenance and repair of electrical systems

Labour market in Slovenia

Slovenia's location is very favourable for the international labour market. Firstly, Slovenia is located in Central Europe and borders Austria, Italy, Hungary and Croatia. Secondly, due to its size, Slovenia is heavily dependent on exports. The most important foreign trade partners are Germany, Italy and Austria. 

The country is divided into twelve regions, which differ greatly in economic terms. While the service sector is very strongly developed in the west, agriculture and industry are strongly established in the east of the country. Despite the economic growth, the unemployment rate is still just below 10%. Slovenia is well on the way to improving its economic situation, but a large number of highly qualified workers from Slovenia are turning their professional futures towards other European countries. Many workers from Slovenia come to Germany as temporary workers or subcontractors. Thanks to our large network, we can help you find a job in Germany. 

As an employer, you benefit from the fact that many Slovenian workers attend subsidised German courses in Slovenia to get to know the German language and culture. Furthermore, since 2011, every citizen of the European Union has the right to live and work in another EU country. Thanks to the Free movement of workers the employment procedure for Slovenian workers in Germany is the same as the procedure for hiring a German skilled worker. 

Temporary employment and agency workers from Slovenia

In the Temporary employment agency Slovenia, also called temporary agency work or temporary work, is a contractual employment relationship between the temporary employment agency and the Slovenian worker, in which the temporary employment agency, as the employer, places the worker with another employer (e.g. a company abroad) to perform temporary work. This is a service provided for remuneration, where the worker remains in the service of the enterprise providing the service. The employment contract specifies the type of employment and the salary.

The temporary employment agency settles and pays the wage, registers the worker with the competent authorities, pays all taxes and contributions, etc. based on the user's pay slip. Wages and working conditions may not be lower or more disadvantageous for the temporary workers than the working conditions of the workers employed by the user.

Documents for subcontractors from Slovenia

We mediate only audited subcontractors. We, as a recruitment team Zeitarbeit International, we are specialised in the placement of subcontractors, temporary workers and personnel in Germany. Thanks to our experience and broad company network in Eastern Europe, we provide reliable and motivated German-speaking subcontractors from all technical fields with their own vehicles, machines and tools for the trades, industry, automotive construction, metal and steel construction, electrical engineering, welding technology, locksmith work.

Slovenian subcontractor selection

We consider the following factors when selecting subcontractors:

  • How long has the subcontractor been in existence?
  • How many employees does it have?
  • What qualifications does the team have?
  • Is the subcontractor from Slovenia reliable?
  • Do workers from Slovenia speak German or English? 

Evidence from subcontractors

Slovenian subcontractors that we refer provide us with some evidence:

  • Company register excerpt
  • Company register excerpt
  • Residence certificate / tax registration Tax secrecy / clearance certificate from tax office and health insurance fund
  • Business liability insurance
  • Confirmation of tax residence

This is how the recruitment process works:

logistics recruitment

Recruitment Eastern Europe

Our staffing services

We are an experienced recruitment agency for Eastern Europe. We place qualified skilled personnel as well as unskilled workers from Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Ukraine for industry, assembly, steel construction, plant engineering, production logistics etc. 

Request staff from Croatia & Eastern Europe: